Tuesday, July 1, 2008

becoming a radiologist

If you've ever played video games you can appreciate how unprepared I am to become a Radiologist... tomorrow.

Just because you've watched someone play Tomb Raider doesn't mean you know what the hell is going on or how to play it. I think maybe I just watched someone else play it and thought "Why, that could be fun!"

For someone who has made very explicit decisions at most of life's junctures, my choosing Radiology was incredibly rash, nearly instinctual.

Nevertheless, here I am. Tomorrow, I will become...A Radiologist.

At 8 AM, I am expected to show up at Thorton Hospital's Ultrasound Reading Room and begin dictating from those snowy black and white images, somehow making sense of it all. And somehow spending a year in a cancer stem cell lab didn't help much, either.

Please heed my warning: DO NOT GET SICK, NOT NOW...because I am not the only one.

In fact, all across our fine country, there are thousands of clueless first-year residents just like me who will be taking care of patients throughout all aspects of our health care system.


Just wait until August to be ill.