Friday, April 25, 2008

pink eye

What's so hilarious about pink eye?!

I don't know, but when I got diagnosed today, all I could do was cuss and crack up. And say "pink eye!"


That is too darn funny.

Pink eye is like a snow day. The kind I have is SUPER CONTAGIOUS, too. Geoff could get it, my coworkers could get it, the patients at the Moores Cancer Center could get it - sheesh, my right eyeball is almost SURE to get it from my left eyeball. So, nobody wants us Pinkies around (that's what I'm calling us, we, the solitary pink-eyed people). To the clear-eyed, we Pinkies are social pariahs!

So, for fundamentally antisocial people like me, Pink eye = a bonus holiday! I HAVE to go home! (Mishka loves pink eye too.)

The best part is, besides some ocular itchiness, relentless tearing, and eyelid swelling, HECK, I feel good enough to do just about anything!

I hope pink eye never ends...

(just kidding)

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