I did reach a point around November where I couldn't take the ratty, crumbling split ends anymore, so I drew my hair above my head and lobbed off the offending inch or so while looking in the mirror.
Since that episode, though, my hair has just been degenerating deeper and deeper towards my natural state: chaos. This is the point in the past where my godmother Naila has intervened physically to schedule and prepay a haircut for me. "You look like a graduate student," she informed me frankly. Never mind I was a graduate student at the time - even I could recognize the depths to which I had sunk.
So, it has happened again. Not even the beautiful people of So Cal could shame me into taking care of myself before last night. Under the guise of not having found a hairdresser in this new town, I have avoided this essential grooming ritual. Finally, my friend Greg took away my last excuse - he recommended his hairdresser Amy Rodriguez at Pixie Salon, a cute place in my neighborhood. I called her and got an appointment the next day.
Sick of my default hair style (long, parted on the side, sort-of layered), I polled family and friends for a new look. Two people voted for bangs, the rest were wishy-washy. I've had the side-swept bangs and the short short bangs over the past decade, but I haven't had the straight, thick eyebrow-brushing bangs that is the quintessential haircut for little girls since I was 7. In the picture above, I'm about 5 years old, posing with my grandmother's glasses on her deck in Pittsburgh. Looking for a change, I decided to return to those times.
Geoff was shocked but likes it. My labmates seem to like it (or they're being really nice). What do you think?!
I love it! I am missing you guys so bad I may have to fly to San DIego. How was the San Fran trip? Enquiring mines. I am sounding like a frog, laryngitis. Not flu. Had Rylee over weekend. Got book from library, Winchell cuts the cheese. I had no idea! Love Pat
That is SO FUNNY!!!
Well, you'll just need to hop on a plane and come see us, then! I have something for you - one of my first pots in pottery came out in these lovely green shades that made me think of you - it is a small v-shaped dish, actually. Anyway, it is here waiting for you!
I'll try to blog about San Fran soon...
i love the hair, isabel! think it looks really cute. i have to add that i was one of the ones who voted for bangs, yeah!
LOVE the new do! Suits you!
I've just been catching up on the blog, loved the pics of the remodel as well. Place looks great. Love Ya
I'd do you
j/k - kinda
(I hope the humor translates :) )
miss you!
Isabel -- Your hair looks really cute. I just got bangs and short hair for the first time since I was in 6th grade while Billy was away on a golfing weekend. I am enjoying the new look --- maybe it's a pre-32nd birthday thing!!
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