With half my brain paying attention in case they said something I'd never heard before, I let the other half occupy itself by running through the list of things we need to do, planning out the months ahead of us, and, best of all, making my Thursday Resolution.
Before moving out here, I was very physically active. OK, let me rephrase...before I my intern year, I was very physically active. Last year I worked out as much as I could (and felt like doing). Now that we've moved, I've become a blob. Sure, I go on a walk or a run here and there, but I'm winded and my limbs are all heavy and cumbersome and I breathe like a smoker. 
So, here is my Thursday Resolution: Beginning tomorrow morning (you're all bearing witness to this), I am going to EXERCISE EVERY MORNING BEFORE WORK.
Here are the details of the plan my half-brain devised while I was half-listening to lab tips I already know:
- Wake up, throw on the work-out duds, grab the pooch and head for a run on the beach, through Balboa Park or whatever strikes my fancy...heck, we can run around the neighborhood
- Run around for 30-60 minutes and, if no one is looking, shove in some lunges, side kicks and squats for good measure
- Come back, shower and eat breakfast
- Go to work
Benefits of the current plan: I get exercise, Mishka gets to run around, and we've both done it before the work day has even begun, so, all day long, we can silently feel superior to all of those slackers who laid around and slept this morning.
I'm telling you, this is an excellent plan.
Update - Mishka and I dutifully went jogging both yesterday morning and this morning! Let's hope this lasts....
You go girl(s)!
Love Ya,
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