Since then, Geoff and I completed the demolition of the kitchen by applying skills sharply honed in medical school (determination, persistence and extreme anal retentiveness). Wally was shocked the next day to find we had finished it on our own - he expected to have to do the hard parts for us. He had no idea that medical school, like boot camp, shapes a young person's constitution, making one perfectly-suited to conquer tasks like "Tear your kitchen apart." Maybe the biggest nuance that med school engendered (as opposed to boot camp) is that, instead of smashing the kitchen to bits like Ozzie Osbourne with a guitar, we carefully removed each cabinet, sorted and stored every screw, then put them aside neatly, where they will stay until we are ready to reinstall the cabinets in our garage for our next act of anal retention: the Garage Organizing System.
(Why were WE demoing the kitchen, you might ask? Well, partly it was because we were still uncertain whether we were going to get the relocation money promised to us by Geoff's employer (that has been a nightmare) and partly because Wally realized we were chomping at the bit to do something, so he threw us this bone.)
We may be living like gypsies, but Geoff is making sure these gypsies eat gourmet.