Tuesday, September 16, 2008

i'm learning to see clearly now

Maybe this radiologic exercise is a metaphor for something more fundamental. Maybe I'm learning to see through things, peel away the layers, peer into the heart of someone. Maybe it will make me a better voter in November. Maybe everyone should learn radiology.

Perhaps, then, the candidates should submit a full body CT for perusal by the American people. And a head CT and MRI. Shoot, let's be truly American and order the works: throw in a full body PET scan and a functional brain MRI.

It probably doesn't matter, though. Confront someone with an irrefutable fact, put it square in front of their eyes and point it out and shout and sing, and they'll still cling to whatever comfy misconception feels the best. We all do it.

But, I'll keep on trying.

I'm workin' on my x-ray vision.

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