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We hope you have a wonderful holiday! We are celebrating it here in San Diego because we both have to work (though I get the 24th and 25th off....G is on call). Mishka doesn't have to work, though, which is good news. Snow is an hour away, if we want it (also, we'll be heading to Utah for the two long weekends in January and February to go skiing/snowboarding). A nip is in the air - it has been raining regularly, and our garden has exploded into this incredibly lush paradise. We've been working like maniacs each weekend to plant and weed and mulch. It is great fun, but lots of work. I suppose I'd be better off dedicating so many hours to the study of radiology. But where would our garden be, then?! Since it has been chilly (45 at night!), we've had occasion to use the new gas logs Geoff bought and installed. They're really quite lovely, and the fact that they don't pop and hiss makes it easy on the pooch, who FREAKS OUT when she hears any tiny little crackle. It still cracks us up that we gaze into these fake logs and wax on about their realistic beauty.'Tis the season! (The Mishka Christmas Montage is thanks to the artistic prowess of our friend Debbie Anderson, a Photoshop Master!!!)
This year, Geoff's Christmas party was held at the Air and Space Museum in Balboa Park. Despite living 2 miles from the museum, we had never visited it (or the handful of other museums in the park). I was excited. Not only was it in the museum, but there was a special Star Trek exhibit. And, for a nominal $6/person (negotiated by CPCMG, Geoff's employer, for the holiday guests), we could visit the exhibit prior to dinner! What could be funner?!I was a big fan of the Next Generation when I was a kid. Geoff, curious about this little piece of personal trivia, asked me whether it was because all my friends were watching it....not exactly. Well, maybe it was because my dad was into it?...uh, nope. No, it was kinda just me by myself watching Star Trek and getting really into it. I think dorkdom was in the stars for me from the beginning....
Anyway, the exhibit was great. They had set replicas, original costumes, history and trivia. We took our photos in some of the sets. I had to make Geoff act like we were in some dire situation in Outer Space (he kept posing with a GQ smile that was entirely inappropriate for intergalactic crises...not that my expression was all that space-worthy!)My only disappointment? They didn't have the Holodeck.