last night i woke up at 3:45, unable to go back to sleep because my eyelid was chaffed and burning and my lymph nodes were getting too fat for comfort. so i got to watch a lot of animal planet - mostly chimp eden, which was fascinating to my right eye (i had a cold washcloth over the left). finally, around 7:30, i dozed off again. geoff found me looking like a fight victim sprawled across the couch.
i did get a black eye patch to contain all of the tears and shedding adenovirus, but my big melon makes it kinda tight, so i haven't really worn it. mostly i just get around wearing sunglasses, but i may get to the point where i'm willing to go pirate if need at night. luckily, the only thing i've gone to this weekend was an outdoor fair focused on gardening in our arid climate. i tried not to touch anything or anyone. i can just see the headlines now: pink eye outbreak traced back to highly-infective but conservation-minded garden fair participant.
maybe pink eye will be fun again on monday
i did get a black eye patch to contain all of the tears and shedding adenovirus, but my big melon makes it kinda tight, so i haven't really worn it. mostly i just get around wearing sunglasses, but i may get to the point where i'm willing to go pirate if need at night. luckily, the only thing i've gone to this weekend was an outdoor fair focused on gardening in our arid climate. i tried not to touch anything or anyone. i can just see the headlines now: pink eye outbreak traced back to highly-infective but conservation-minded garden fair participant.