Living the left coast


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Stationery card

Retro Stripe Frame Christmas Card
Click here to browse our Christmas photo card designs.
View the entire collection of cards.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

hard drive wipe out

While we were surfing today, HP was conspiring against us.

Our computer failed to boot properly...some corrupt file. After a diagnostics test that turned up nothing, it offered us the option of an F10 systems recovery. The caveat said we'd have to reinstall updates but our files would not be affected.


Everything is gone. Every little thing disappeared.

The last time I backed up our system was April. I should have done it more often, but I should also clean my car, read more radiology, buy some more deoderant, hire a personal assistant.

This sucks big time. Our Costa Rica vacation and any other photos we snapped since April, along with our documents, iTunes, whatever, were released into cyberspace.

Wipe out.

Friday, August 28, 2009

on to cano negro

 I mentioned in the last blog, on day 2 in Arenal we woke up to howler monkeys at 5am (I thought we were being attacked!! I nudged Isabel, but she was not interested). We boarded a large van with other folks and headed to Cano Negro Wildlife Preserve on the border of Nicaragua. The drive up was a true look into the 3rd world country we were visiting: houses with dirt floors along the way, school kids and random dogs running amuck. Our first stop was a small roadside cafe with iguanas all over the place. Who knew that iguanas live in trees? Weird. We drove on...Very hot and very poor. We finally reached our destination out in BFE and boarded a small flatboat. We trolled down a river through the preserve and saw monkeys, sloths, jesus lizards, caiman, bats on trees, etcc... check out the photos